Coin Store Offers History Lessons With Collectibles

Walk into Southgate Coins and soon you’ll be aware you haven’t stepped into an ordinary coin shop. Gone are the dusty shelves, tattered flooring, and dim lighting normally associated with similar businesses. Instead, customers are treated to a clean, well-lighted shop, outfitted with beautiful hardwood floors, sparkling glass cases and handsome wood cabinets. “I’ve been in the business for 21 years and developed in my mind what a good model would be for a coin store,” said owner Rusty Goe, who previously owned a similar business in Las Vegas. “I wanted our new store to be special for the people (of northern Nevada). We wanted to give them our best shot.” To that end, customers who visit the South Virginia Street shop can count on a well trained, knowledgeable staff anxious to answer questions and impart a little bit of the history that goes with each piece of merchandise. (In photo above, Rebekah Lacey (right) of Southgate Coins appraises some coins.)

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