Nothing brings people together in the holiday spirit on the Friday before Christmas like piping hot lunch from Olive Garden. As a tribute to two traditions that were subdued this year—Free Lunch Fridays and Christmas company dinner—Rusty and Marie treated me, Maya, with a Christmas-themed Free Lunch Friday as a special treat.
Read MoreRusty Goe Lectures about the Legacy of the Carson City Mint at OLLI Afternoon Class
This Wednesday, October 30, 2013, Southgate Coins owner Rusty Goe presented a lecture, “The Carson City Mint’s Legacy – A 100-Year Perspective: 1858-1958” at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). OLLI is an organization that caters to the furthered education of active, older adults, in association with the University of Nevada, Reno.
Read MoreAutumn Colors are in Full Show as We Celebrate Marie’s Birthday
Every year, Marie gets special treatment on her birthday. This year has been a little different though. Southgate Coins has scaled down some traditional celebrations, and really started to focus on the heart of what we’re celebrating, rather than the show. With just the three of us left (Rusty, Marie, and me, Maya), we work together to honor our friends and coworkers. This year was no different in that respect.
Read MoreCelebrating Boss’s Day in 2013
After precious Nicole left us to move to Houston, TX in early July, I (Maya), knew that most likely, I would be the only one left here at Southgate to continue on the tradition of Boss’s Day. Since I started working at the store (in 2007), Boss’s Day has always been one of those “forgotten” celebrations. Rusty and Marie consistently keep track of normal holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays, but Boss’s Day is always a surprise to them when it rolls around every October
Read MoreThe Rebirth of EBay at Southgate Coins - Eight Years Later, Not Much Changed
The Background
In early July 2013, immediately after I (Maya) had returned from maternity leave, Rusty and Marie informed me that we were diving full-on into “eBay, Round 2.” Although I personally have dabbled a little with eBay, mostly when there’s some cheap electrical gizmo I’ve broken that I need to replace, I had not had any experience as an eBay seller. But, I embraced the challenge, learned what Rusty had to teach me, and now I am here, a full 9 weeks later, to tell you about the experience.
Read MoreRusty Goe Gives Three Captivating Numismatic Lectures in August 2013
By Maya Jones
For Southgate Coins' owner, Rusty Goe, August has proved to be a very demanding month. After months of preparation, organization, and rehearsal, Rusty Goe delivered three well received lectures, all centering around his expertise—Carson City coins. One lecture was presented over 1,600 miles east of our beloved Reno, Nevada, and the other two (incredibly held only two hours apart from each other), were presented in nearby Carson City, Nevada. Read on to find out more.
Read MoreSouthgate Coins and C4OA President Owner Rusty Goe to Lecture Three Times in August
Southgate Coins owner and Carson City Coin Collectors of America president, Rusty Goe, is scheduled to present three lectures in August 2013. If you have attended one of his lectures before, perhaps at a C4OA meeting in the past, you know how truly captivating and educating they can be. Read more to find out attendance information for these “don’t-miss” numismatic events.
Read MoreNicole Says A Sad Farewell to Southgate Coins
It’s here. It’s the day I (Nicole) say goodbye to Nevada, to Reno, and to Southgate Coins. For almost a year now, I’ve been preparing for my big move to Texas, months have flown by so quickly, with such an overwhelming whirlwind of emotions, I’ve hardly had anytime to stop and catch my breath until now.
Read MoreSouthgate Coins’ Stork has a very Special Announcement to Make!
Many of you may have been anticipating this announcement any day now, but we are overjoyed to announce that Maya Jones, who has worked with Southgate Coins for over six years now, gave birth to an 8 lb. + baby boy during the early morning hours of Sunday June 2, 2013.
Read MoreNicole Celebrates a Bittersweet Fifth and Last Birthday at Southgate Coins
Here at Southgate Coins, the month of May is full of birthdays. We have celebrated Maya’s birthday, Rusty’s birthday, and now Nicole’s! We started this month off by heading up to South Lake Tahoe for an unforgettable birthday dinner for all three May babies at the 18th-floor steakhouse at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe—Friday’s Station. Now, we are finishing the month off with Nicole’s birthday celebration.
Read MoreThe Wizard Gets One Year Wiser
After a glorious weekend adventure with Marie and the other girls (Nicole, Emily, and me, Maya), Rusty has returned to the daily grind here at Southgate Coins. But, just because we celebrated his birthday once at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe’s Friday Station steakhouse, does not mean that he won’t be acknowledged on his special day here at the store.
Read MoreMaya Celebrates her 25th Birthday, Marking her 7th Birthday with the Southgate Family
Amidst celebrating a wonderful birthday dinner in Tahoe for three of the five Southgate members this last weekend, Maya’s 25th birthday started off the trio. Read on for more about Maya’s celebratory day at Southgate Coins.
Read MoreSouthgate’s May Birthday Trio Treated to Friday’s Station Dinner in South Lake Tahoe
It’s very rare to have your bosses or coworkers honor you at work on your birthday. Maybe, if you’re friends with your coworkers, you might receive a pat on the back, and if you’re lucky, a cupcake. At Southgate, birthdays have always proven to be something special. And, when three out of the five workers at the store all share May birthdays (Rusty – the 21st, Nicole – the 31st, and me, Maya — the 19th), it’s always a wonderful occasion to celebrate.
Read MoreSouthgate Coins Celebrates a Rainy yet Winning Kentucky Derby Day
For over four years now, I (Nicole) have seen many traditions at Southgate Coins. Unfortunately, some traditions have subsided over the years, but others are just as wonderful as I remember they were when I experienced them for the first time years ago. One of these highly-anticipated days is Kentucky Derby Day. With ostentatious hats, fashion-forward attire, and powerful, 1,000+ pound galloping horses that we get to bet on and cheer for, how could you not love the Kentucky Derby?!
Read on for more on Kentucky Derby Day 2013 at Southgate Coins.
Read MoreIs Gold a Good Investment? – It all Depends
As a rare coin dealer operating a retail shop, I come face to face with gold every day. I can’t avoid the precious yellow metal. It’s in my DNA. For more than three decades, I have seen gold’s price rise, fall, rise again, plunge, and move sideways. Hardly a day goes by without me answering the question, “Is gold a good investment?” My standard answer, my long-term position is it all depends.
Read MoreSouthgate Coins Congratulates Maya regarding Special Announcement
Some employees come and go, and some stay much longer than others. But when an employee invests over six years at a work place, many things can change and one can experience many of life’s milestones along the way. That is no exception to senior girl, Maya Jones, at Southgate Coins. Over six years, Rusty and Marie, and over the last four years, I (Nicole), have seen Maya start as an itty bitty 18-year-old, and develop into an amazing wife and mother. We are happy to announce another precious addition to Maya’s family.
Read on to find out more about Maya’s special announcement:
Read MoreSouthgate Coins Arrives on Pinterest!
Southgate Coins is continuing to branch out via social media! For sometime, Southgate Coins has used both Facebook and Twitter in an effort to reach a more widespread numismatic audience. To continue to reach new people, we are now participating on Pinterest!
We will primarily be pinning images of our web inventory, along with some company events that take place throughout the year. So, if you two are a Pinterest user, please come follow us at
Also, if you've missed us on other social networking platforms, check us out at the links below:
We'll look forward to seeing what our followers think of our inventory and company events.
Southgate Coins Without Maya Jones—Unthinkable - Maya's Six Years with the Company Attests to the Key Role She Plays
By Rusty Goe and Marie Goe
Southgate Coins’ owners Marie and Rusty Goe find great pleasure in honoring their valuable team members on special occasions. March 7, 2013 marked the celebration of another milestone in the life of Maya Jones, the Goes’ longest-serving employee ever. Maya started working at Southgate Coins on that date in 2007, and Marie and Rusty take turns, in the following tribute, in honoring Maya on her sixth anniversary with the company.
Read MoreEmily Celebrates her 19th Birthday with her Southgate Coins Family
It has been quite some time since we’ve been able to surprise a new girl with a birthday party, and it’s always so much fun when they experience Southgate birthdays for the first time. Today, March 5, 2013, Southgate Coins is honoring our newest employee, Emily, on her 19th birthday. Although she is one of the lucky people who get to have multiple celebrations (since her birthday actually falls on March 6), that doesn’t stop our crew from living it up—she’s been the star around here all day!
Read on to see how the festivities went.
Read MoreSouthgate Coins' Owners Rusty and Marie Goe Celebrate 30 Years of Wedded Bliss
Most people cannot project their lives out thirty years from the present day and accurately imagine what life will be like. For those of you old enough to remember thirty years ago, think about it: how much has changed in that timespan? The cars, the technology, the language, the fashion and hairstyles (yikes!), the pace-of-life—everything. For Southgate Coins’ owners, Rusty and Marie Goe, they are proud to say that thirty years after their wedding date on January 22, 1983, they are still happily married, and best friends. That statement is rarer than any coin in the shop.
Read More