Celebrating Boss’s Day in 2013

After precious Nicole left us to move to Houston, TX in early July, I (Maya), knew that most likely, I would be the only one left here at Southgate to continue on the tradition of Boss’s Day. Since I started working at the store (in 2007), Boss’s Day has always been one of those “forgotten” celebrations. Rusty and Marie consistently keep track of normal holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays, but Boss’s Day is always a surprise to them when it rolls around every October

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The Rebirth of EBay at Southgate Coins - Eight Years Later, Not Much Changed

The Background

In early July 2013, immediately after I (Maya) had returned from maternity leave, Rusty and Marie informed me that we were diving full-on into “eBay, Round 2.” Although I personally have dabbled a little with eBay, mostly when there’s some cheap electrical gizmo I’ve broken that I need to replace, I had not had any experience as an eBay seller. But, I embraced the challenge, learned what Rusty had to teach me, and now I am here, a full 9 weeks later, to tell you about the experience.

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Rusty Goe Gives Three Captivating Numismatic Lectures in August 2013

By Maya Jones

For Southgate Coins' owner, Rusty Goe, August has proved to be a very demanding month. After months of preparation, organization, and rehearsal, Rusty Goe delivered three well received lectures, all centering around his expertise—Carson City coins. One lecture was presented over 1,600 miles east of our beloved Reno, Nevada, and the other two (incredibly held only two hours apart from each other), were presented in nearby Carson City, Nevada. Read on to find out more.

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Southgate Coins and C4OA President Owner Rusty Goe to Lecture Three Times in August

Southgate Coins owner and Carson City Coin Collectors of America president, Rusty Goe, is scheduled to present three lectures in August 2013. If you have attended one of his lectures before, perhaps at a C4OA meeting in the past, you know how truly captivating and educating they can be. Read more to find out attendance information for these “don’t-miss” numismatic events.

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The Wizard Gets One Year Wiser

After a glorious weekend adventure with Marie and the other girls (Nicole, Emily, and me, Maya), Rusty has returned to the daily grind here at Southgate Coins. But, just because we celebrated his birthday once at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe’s Friday Station steakhouse, does not mean that he won’t be acknowledged on his special day here at the store.

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Is Gold a Good Investment? – It all Depends

As a rare coin dealer operating a retail shop, I come face to face with gold every day. I can’t avoid the precious yellow metal. It’s in my DNA. For more than three decades, I have seen gold’s price rise, fall, rise again, plunge, and move sideways. Hardly a day goes by without me answering the question, “Is gold a good investment?” My standard answer, my long-term position is it all depends.

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Southgate Coins Arrives on Pinterest!

Southgate Coins is continuing to branch out via social media! For sometime, Southgate Coins has used both Facebook and Twitter in an effort to reach a more widespread numismatic audience. To continue to reach new people, we are now participating on Pinterest!

We will primarily be pinning images of our web inventory, along with some company events that take place throughout the year. So, if you two are a Pinterest user, please come follow us at http://pinterest.com/southgatecoins/.

Also, if you've missed us on other social networking platforms, check us out at the links below:

We'll look forward to seeing what our followers think of our inventory and company events.

