SOUTHGATE SNIPPETS - Weather You Like It or Not!

Somer gives the weather report and a few helpful coin show dates to remember.

Weather You Like It or Not!

By Somer Athari

Now for an update on the latest from Reno: We finally had a couple days of sunshine in the midst of our extended winter, but now we are back to the clouds and gloomy weather. Don't get me wrong, everyone here at Southgate Coins loves the winter, but I think we have all had just about enough of the snow. The temperature has at least crept up into the high 40s, which has brought us a slight relief.

I personally can't wait for the spring. Even though my name may not show it, my favorite season is spring. There's something about all the warm, crisp air that makes people seem like crisp new bills, fresh out of the Mint, except our customers faces are more cheery than any of the dejected poker faces you see on U.S. currency.

A couple other things are really giving all of us something to look forward to in the springtime. Rusty will be speaking on March 22nd at the Nevada State Museum on... well what else: 25 Things Everyone Should Know About the Carson City Mint. And the following month is the Annual Reno Coin Club Show, which will be held on April 29th and 30th. We always enjoy not having to go too far for good wholesome coin show fun.

Later on in the year, the BIG ANA Convention will be held in San Francisco and from July 27th to 30th, the whole staff here at Southgate Coins will be painting the town of San Francisco in CC's; with all the Carson City coins we will be bringing to the show! We are all pretty excited to go to the BIG CITY. Just imagine, us four girls in our first major coin show. Woo Hoo! Rusty and Marie have even signed us up for our first ANA memberships.

Then only a month after the big show in San Francisco, the grand old Nevada State Museum, which is actually the old Carson City Mint, will be holding their Annual coin show as well. And just like last year's Nevada State Museum Show, Rusty says he has some pretty big surprises up his sleeves to help boost attendance. What a smart guy, huh?!

So you can see why all of us here were hoping that a certain Punxsutawney Phil, didn't see his shadow. Lucky for us, those coins shows will come whether the weather permits it or not. Unfortunately, 6 more weeks of stormy weather. Boooooo. But, please, Mother Nature, don't overwhelm us with that much snow again... unless us girls can go snowboarding down every snow capped mountain!

Until next time, this is your faithful correspondent signing off.

Keep warm,
