It's time to hop on your coin hogs and cruise into this week's Snippets. Somer tells all the events that have been going on in Reno and at Southgate Coins.
Southgate’s Victorious Vibrations
By, Somer Athari
Northern Nevada and Southgate Coins have been busy in the month of September! "The Biggest Little City in the World" is revving their engines for this week's events. The 12th Annual Street Vibrations, held in Reno, is a motorcycle enthusiasts dream come true, and is expected to bring over 14,000 leather chapped bikers, into the area of downtown Reno for the festivities. What is normally the "semi"-quiet street of Virginia, where Southgate Coins calls home, is now an engengine blaring frenzy of hog fun! Not to mention the oddity of the wind’s presence, along with a chill of autumn, just as the first motorcyclist arrived; coincidence, I think not… and just when I thought things were going to slow down in our little hidden heaven, also known as Reno.
Last week even, we had another huge encounter going on. Nevada’s two largest colleges, the University of Nevada Reno (UNR) played against their rivals, the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV). Over the past five years, UNR has failed to beat their football competitors UNLV, until last Saturday where UNR FINALLY triumphed 22-14. Having been to all of these horrific losses, I was overjoyed to see in my final semester at UNR, a real victory.
Besides what’s going on outside Southgate, an excitement is thunderous within Southgate Coins as we prepare to give the finishing touches on the rough draft of the Fall 2nd issue of the Curry’s Chronicle, which should be available by November. As for the CCCCOA, it is showing signs of massive growth, both in membership size and also in the participation of the members, who have been submitting numerous articles for the chronicle’s cunning pages.
All in all, it has been a frantic September, but it’s not over yet. We still have so many things yet to come. What about all the new coins popping up on our website? We have all been fighting hard to get all the kinks out of the new site and to eventually get our entire inventory up and ready for display. For all of you that live outside the Reno/Tahoe area, this will be a huge conquest. Being able to, essentially, browse the entire store, without leaving the comfort of your pajamas! Not only that, but you will still get the same customer service as if you were in the store!! Now that is quite an achievement. Well that’s all for this week.
Keep on Truckin’, cuz ya know we will be.
Your Biker Coin Babe,