Take a look at what's to be thankful for right now at Southgate Coins, with Somer, the ghost of Christmas present.....
A Time to Be Thankful
By, Somer Athari
Well, it was exactly this time last year that I was just entering back into the good ol’ U. S. of A from Spain and I have to tell you, that I am thrilled to be in this store at this very minute; in a place where everyone knows my name and cares about my well being, instead of some remote airport sleeping at 3:00 AM on the floor next to people speaking languages that sound like pig Latin. From last year to now, I have had so many things to be thankful for.
I know that this is normally considered to be the holiday for giving, but I think that now is a perfect time to be extra thankful for everything that happened this year, to recap into the previous years, and look forward to the great things to come. Unlike the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, I can say that Southgate Coins has only great things to remember and naturally, a positive future ahead to expect. I’ve already discussed some of the things to put on the Calendar for next year, so now I am going to talk about what’s going on presently in these final weeks of 2005.
Next week’s Southgate Snippets will be a very special one. Not only will it be a continuation of this week’s Snippets, but it will also be the final article written by moi (pronounced m-w-a-h in French) at Southgate Coins. That’s right; December 29th is my final day here at Southgate Coins and also the company’s much needed time for a bit of vacationing. The store will closed so everyone can stretch out their limbs and exercise some down time until right after the New Year. On January 2nd, the store will reopen and get back to working like a machine in order to get everything ready for 2006.
Another new event as of this week is...not only all those last minute holiday shoppers storming in with frantic looks of desperation, but also the end of our eBay department. For more information regarding this subject, check out this very website for an enticing article coming soon with the answer to why Southgate Coins does not have listings available to purchase on eBay.
So be sure to check out next week’s article with a recap into some of the most memorable things/bloopers that I have witnessed here at Southgate Coins, and maybe there are even some that I have been a big part of.
So as the jolly, red cheeked, big guy says, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
Your Grateful Correspondent,