January is typically a time to begin recruiting to make sure Southgate is fully staffed for the new year. We take an all our effort approach to adding the best to our team.
Recruiting Re-inforcements
As strong as our dedicated staff is, we seem to always be in need of an extra hand to help in all the activities we find ourselves involved in. Add to this need the normal rites of passage; when one by one, our seasoned team members move on to their next mission in life, leaving a void in Southgate's family.
January is typically one of our most active recruiting months. Between the Christmas break and the beginning of the spring semester, many collegians seek part-time jobs to supplement their educational costs. We are diligent in our pursuit of tapping into this potential employee pool, taking advantage of as many recruiting resources as possible.
Our primary targets are the colleges in our area. Thanks to convenient online job posting boards at the University of Nevada and the Truckee Meadows Community College, we are able to post our job openings in a platform guaranteed to reach hundreds, if not thousands of candidates.
Before long, resumes are zipping into our email address and flowing through our fax machine. Next come the interviews, as we carefully screen each applicant, searching for just the right ones that will fulfill our number one requirement: We tell them that we are looking for an employee who would be the kind of person they themselves would want to have wait on them when they go shopping. In other words, we're looking for employees who will be friendly, courteous and helpful. Sounds so simple, but if you shop much, you know how rare these kind of employees are.
In order to reach as wide of audience as possible in our recruiting efforts we also place ads in our local newspaper's classified section and on the Career Builder's website. These venues do not narrow our search to an optimal measure like the college boards, but they do generate a large volume of applicants. Stronger filters are required using these methods during the screening process.
Between the colleges and the off-campus resources, we receive dozens of applications every week. A large chunk of our time is spent interviewing, sometimes hours a day.
When the right person is found we can't resist crying Eureka! The recruiting process is truly like prospecting for precious metals, and when new hires eventually become vital parts of our company, we let them know how precious they are.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue searching for Southgate's next superstars.
P.S. If you know any college-age girls with time-honored work ethics seeking employment, send them our way.