Reno Rodeo

The Reno Rodeo was a Bucking Good Time

Southgate Coins staff dresses for the Reno Rodeo
Posing with cowboy hats at Southgate Coins
Southgate Coins employees Rusty and Marie Goe during Reno Rodeo days

The annual Reno Rodeo was held from June 15-23 and was the first stop for the Wrangler Rodeo Summer Tour. The biggest little city pulled out all the hay stacks that could be found and rounded up all the cowboy and cowgirl participants and fans for the big event. Not wanting to be left out of all the rodeo action and fun we held our own party here at Southgate throughout the event. And I think I speak for everyone when I saw that Rodeo Dress-up Days is a favorite event here at the store. We get anxious to dress-up in cowboy hats and boots and to talk with a country drawl weeks before the big event takes place. And as with every dress-up day at the store, walk-in customers are always in high spirits and marvel at our awesome outfits (I mean, who wouldn’t?!). Rusty and Marie treated us all to a Free Lunch Friday worth a huge YEEHAW cheer! Here’s my fellow cowgirl Maya to tell you all about that fun…

Coin shop employee Maya poses with some BBQ ribs

Howdy Partners! Well everyone here at the store sure got a treat during our Free Lunch Friday – Rodeo style. You see, normally, we each select what we want for lunch off the menu of whichever restaurant is chosen. (And that can be anywhere from Del Taco to Olive Garden!) This time, however, it was a little different. First off, we decided on Claim Jumpers as the most fitting restaurant for our Rodeo Dress-up Day lunch. And instead of getting individual entrees like every other time, Rusty and Marie ordered a whopping three racks of baby back pork ribs for all of us to share. Mmmm! Don’t ‘cha just want to sink your teeth into them!  Along side of those racks, we also ordered salad, shoestring French (or more appropriately “Freedom”) fries, onion rings, and monster cornbread muffins. To say the least, we were bustin’ at the seams with all this cowboy-hearty food we were eating.  By the end it was time to loosen up those silver belt buckle notches. We of course, had plenty of napkins on hand for those of us that are novices when it comes to the "proper" way to eat ribs, (…which means me…) and boy did I try hard not to wear my food. As usual, the traditional eating pictures were taken, and we “chowed down.” All in all, we had a wonderful lunch provided by the bosses.  Little did we know, however, they had a little something sweet in store for us later on in the evening... Wouldn’t you know it? Claim Jumpers Chocolate Cake better known as "The Motherload Cake." Oh boy -- as the resident choco-holic of the store, I was in hog-heaven (or is it bull-heaven?). They had our slices of chocolate delight all neatly packaged for us to take home. And of course, my poor boyfriend was jealous when I got home, I just had to be nice and share a little!

Southgate Coins owner Marie enjoys delicious BBQ
Amy enjoys some BBQ at the coin shop
The Southgate Coins women pose with Horsey to pay homage to the Reno Rodeo

...Thanks Cowgirl Maya! You know, I have to say that out of all the Rodeo related events that take place at the Livestock Arena during the Rodeo (including the Extreme Bull Riding Competition, the opening cattle drive, the parade, the carnival, and the roping events) my favorite event was the special children’s rodeo portion when all the ten year olds and up rode on the backs of sheep and tried to wrestle them to the ground. How cute!

All in all our Rodeo adventures were a blast this year – and we didn’t even have to take a step outside of our store! So here’s sending some of our Wild West memories via Reno, Nevada to all the fine folks out there in internet-land. Next year we expect to see you visit us in spurs.

--Rodeo Amy and Cowgirl Maya