April 5, 2008 - Weekly Update

A Sunny Day Takes The Cake

Hello to all of our faithful weblog readers. We hope you all enjoyed your Easter holiday and are gearing up for a beautiful spring. Things here at Southgate Coins have been as busy as ever and we are preparing for a lot of fun activities.

 An exciting event is set to hit the Carson City Library at 900 Roop Street in Carson City, Nevada on Thursday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m. Our own Rusty Goe will be presenting a PowerPoint presentation on the favorite forms of entertainment and recreation during the Carson Mint’s glory years of 1875-1885. The program is part of the Carson City Historical Society’s monthly lecture series. If you have questions regarding this event or any of the other events during the lecture series, please contact Sue Ballew at (775) 882-5694.

As mentioned in past weblogs, the annual Carson City Coin Collectors of America general meeting will be held at the ANA Summer Convention in Baltimore on Thursday, July 31, at 1:00 p.m. in room 313. All past, present, and future members of the club are invited to come and share their ideas and outlooks for the club’s future. It’s not too early to start planning ahead, please contact the ANA directly to reserve air travel and make hotel accommodations at (719) 482-9857.

National Coin Week is the third week of April. What a great time to pull out your old Whitman folders and see what holes still need to be filled. It is also a great opportunity to introduce a child to the field of coin collecting . We have lots of great ideas for starting a coin colection for children (and the young-at-heart). Stop by our shop in the Olive Garden/Big 5 shopping center to see what we have for you. Also be sure to check out the American Numismatic Association’s website at www.money.org to see how you can be part of the National Treasure Hunt and even have the chance to win some pretty cool prizes.

Saturday, May 3 will feature the celebrated Kentucky Derby, which might as well be considered a national holiday around these parts. If you are in the Reno area that day be sure to wear your big floppy hat and stop by for some horse chat. I always seem to pick the last-place loser in every race, so if you want to be in the running this year, be sure not to bet on my horse!

In other news, we have been getting a lot of calls about the Statehood quarter program. To clarify some of the confusion: initially the program was supposed to end with the last state that joined the Union (Hawaii), which is set to be released at the end of this year. However, because of how much interest was generated by the program, the US Mint decided to expand the program to also include each US Territory, which would mean that the program would be extended for another year, and will not end until 2009. Because this addition was announced late into the program, most statehood folders do not have extra spaces to place the US Territory quarters in. However, if you are looking for something like this, do not fear, we have an awesome map of the United States which has a place to put each quarter, including the territories. Be sure to stop by the shop to see these maps in person. They are pretty sweet if you ask me!

If you subscribe to The Numismatist magazine, be sure to check out your March 2008 issue for the article entitled, “Mint Superintendent James Crawford: Man of Many Hats,” written by Rusty Goe. Rusty has done it again by shining the spotlight on the little mint that could (the Carson City Mint of course) and getting the word out about the importance of understanding and embracing the history behind the coins that we have come to know and love. If you would like your own copy of this issue please contact the ANA at (719) 632-2646.

We hope that one way or another you make your way into “the biggest little coin shop in the world” (as Maya puts it). That’s all folks!

Until Next Time,
