Rusty Goe Gives Three Captivating Numismatic Lectures in August 2013

By Maya Jones

For Southgate Coins' owner, Rusty Goe, August has proved to be a very demanding month. After months of preparation, organization, and rehearsal, Rusty Goe delivered three well received lectures, all centering around his expertise—Carson City coins. One lecture was presented over 1,600 miles east of our beloved Reno, Nevada, and the other two (incredibly held only two hours apart from each other), were presented in nearby Carson City, Nevada. Read on to find out more.

August began with Rusty attending the Samaszko gold coin auction in Carson City. The following week he traveled to the American Numismatic Association’s World’s Fair of Money convention on August 15, 2013 in Rosemont, IL to host the Carson City Coin Collectors of America’s ninth-annual general club meeting. There, he presented his first of three lectures for the month of August, entitled, “The Mint on Carson Street—10 Years Later.”

Rusty Goe lectures at the Carson City Coin Collectors of America meeting at the 2013 American Numismatic Association's World's Fair of Money Convention

As some of you may know, Rusty Goe’s first book, The Mint on Carson Street, is out of print and unfortunately no longer available, except through secondary markets. However, in the audience at his Rosemont lecture, people who owned decade-old, dog-eared copies of their premiere reference book on the Carson City Mint and its coins were ready and willing to take in any and all updated information Rusty could provide them.

After returning from his trip to Chicago, Rusty did a quick-180, and presented his second of three lectures, only 8 days later at the Nevada State Museum’s Educational Fair on August 23, 2013 at 11:00 AM in Carson City, Nevada. There, he discussed “10 Non-Coin Collectibles Every ‘CC’ Coin Enthusiast Should Own.” With a packed audience, it’s safe to say that Rusty’s lecture was a hit. Attendees were said to be furiously scribbling down notes and making their lists of 10 non-coin collectibles to obtain. Many convened after the lecture to discuss their individual scores of what they’d already acquired. Some even dropped by the store here in Reno, to see if there were any non-coin collectibles available for sale!

Southgate Coins owner Rusty Goe lectures at the Nevada State Museum's Educational Fair in Carson City

Just two hours later at 1:00 PM, at the Carson City Coin Collectors of America’s regional meeting, held in the Carson Nugget Casino’s banquet room (across the street from the Nevada State Museum), Rusty presented his third and final lecture of the month of August, entitled “Rehashing Information about the Carson Mint and its Coins – Boring or Beneficial?,” to a group of C4OA members in attendance

Southgate Coins owner Rusty Goe lectures at the 2013 C4OA Regional Meeting in Carson City

Many fortunate C4OA members were able to attend both Friday lectures in Carson City, and judging by their continued comments in emails and in person, they were all very enamored with the amount of information Rusty was able to assemble and present for their enjoyment and education. Only two members, however, were able to attend all three lectures (including the one held on August 15, 2013 in Rosemont, IL).

Now that September is approaching, it is time for Rusty to relax (ha ha), and get back to the not-as-stressful, 6-days-a-week routine that he’s accustomed to as the owner of Southgate Coins. Is he done with lectures for the year? Not hardly. He is scheduled to present one more at the end of October at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

We’re proud of you Rusty, you survived, and everyone enjoyed your three, wonderful lectures!