What happened to 2005? What a year full of events! What other events could possibly happen to compete with the mind blowing year Southgate Coins has had? Somer gives some insight into the upcoming jam packed year of 2006.
Clubs and Books and Fun, OH MY
By, Somer Athari
With 2006 just a hop, skip, and a jump away, I bet you’ve been wondering what might be happening next at Southgate Coins? Naturally, Rusty and Marie have their calendars already booked full of fun activities. A numismatic event occurs here in Nevada, first thing in January, and all of us girls will be prepared with our staplers and coin flips. That’s right, the Nevada statehood quarter comes out in January and a huge uproar of customers have begun asking about it already. I am still hoping that by some miracle that the big horn sheep (which is our state animal) could possibly still show it’s beauty and grace, but unfortunately the wild mustangs won their right on the back of our state’s quarter. No matter; Southgate Coins will have a surplus of the very 1st 2006 quarter.
By March of 2006, the C4OA will be marching into its 10th month of operation, and the 3rd issue of Curry’s Chronicle will be hitting the press and member’s doorsteps. Who knows, there might be another hundred names added to the list of members, which seems to be the rate of new members that join every 3 months. With one member under the 200 marker, I am overjoyed at the huge success of Rusty’s pride and joy, the Carson City Coin Collector’s of America.
Another one of “Rusty’s projects” is been underway as well. His newest book on James Crawford, the fourth Superintendent of the Carson City Mint, will hopefully be coming out, sometime in Spring of 2006. Just by reading the rough drafts, chapter by chapter, I just know that this book will bring much enjoyment and awards; just like his last book, The Mint on Carson Street.
With all this, what more could possibly be on the Southgate Calendar? Well, we can’t forget about the Annual coin shows that we attend locally, the Reno show in late Spring and the Carson City Mint show at the end of August. Another event in August that will keep the store busy is the 2nd annual C4OA meeting at ANA Convention held this time in Denver. I bet the restaurants in Denver will have a hard time keeping up with San Francisco’s! The C4OA will be full of activity preparing for the special Comstock/Carson City seminar, which could be occurring sometime later in the year.
Certainly, the list always goes on and on: birthdays, the Kentucky Derby, Rodeo Dress-Up Days, the countdown to the next Ebay pinnacle, etc., etc. You know us; there is always some reason to celebrate. You’ll just have to stay tuned, because there might just be yet another ace underneath Rusty’s hat of tricks, perhaps another Unique coin?
Your Calendar Girl Correspondent,