SOUTHGATE SNIPPETS - Some Graduate, While Goe Goes Greysheet

Einstein on a Greysheet at Southgate Coins

Did you happen to catch the front cover of The Coin Dealer Newsletter?Did you know how many of those "CC" coins are still around? And did you hear who graduated? Really?

Do you feel like you've entered a conversation in the middle? Well, before this month's Greysheet article, so did a great deal of "CC" collectors (that don't already own The Mint on Carson Street - By Rusty Goe). Check out the Snippets this week, and find out more...

Some Graduate, While Goe Goes Greysheet

By, Somer Athari

The header of the Coin Dealer Newsletter monthly edition

For many coin dealers, the Greysheet is one of the many authoritative pricing magazines in public circulation. However, this month, it contains far more than just prices; it contains a well-known author, with a significant point to make regarding “CC” starter sets. It’s none other than the one, the only, RUSTY GOE!!! (3 Cheers, Hip-Hip-Hooray)That’s right! Rusty has somehow managed to make time to also inform others, outside of his books and Southgate Coins.

The article, titled, A Fantasy Starter Set of Carson City Coins: Part One: The Silver Issues, hit the front page of the Greysheet Monthly Supplement and newspaper stands last Friday. The article gives insight into the ever changing world of Carson City’s silver coinage rarities minted in the 1st four years of the inaugural date in 1870. The most interesting aspect of the article, in my opinion, is the estimated population totals on all the coins. It really puts the romanticism and the much deserved popularity of the Carson City coins into perspective. Because of this article, the phone has been ringing off the hook with people all over the country wanting to applaud Rusty on his incredibly enlightening research and all around hard work.

Southgate Coins employees prepare for graduation from UNR

Other congrats have been going around Southgate Coins as well. The Fall 2005 school year will be officially over on the 21st of December, which humorously is the first actual day of winter. It seems that it’s been winter for awhile here! For all the other girls, it is their time to take a break from the books and as for me? Well, Alice Cooper’s hit song says it best; “School’s out for Somer! School’s out forever!" Okay, maybe the song wasn’t made just for me, but I have to say, it sure feels good to have a song that is so applicable to a long awaited graduation.

A graduation had in preparation for Southgate Coins staffers commencement ceremonies

Naturally because of the holidays, there has been plenty of celebrating around Southgate Coins already, and these occasions just add to the atmosphere of the always happy store. Not to mention the excitement of the next Greysheet article, coming out in the first of the 2006 year. So check next month’s Greysheet front page for Part Two: The Gold Issue.(Dramatic music inserted here.)

Your Joyous Graduate Correspondent,
