St. Paddy's Day?

Top of the morning to ya! I walked into the store this morning and I started seeing everything green … could it be because today is...

St. Paddy’s Day?

Southgate Coins employees wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day

I think so! Everyone was decked out in holiday attire and thankfully no one was pinched – well too hard. What a great way to welcome in the newest member of our team - Maya - then having the wearing of the green! The luck of the Irish is definitely on our side today as we look forward to having a grand ol’ time chattin’ it up with customers and dancin’ some ol' Irish gigs.

Who wouldn’t want to party? I mean come on now, we work at the best place on earth, the sun is shining, and our hometown Wolf Pack basketball team is one step closer to making it into "The Big Dance" in the national playoffs. Yeehaaww!! Oops. Wrong holiday.

Southgate Coins employees posing on St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Everyone!
