Crawford book update and other news

It has been a couple of weeks since my last blog, so I figured I better get down to it and say hello to all of our wonderful friends out in internet land. We here at Southgate have been busy, busy, busy with a wide variety of projects.

The first and foremost is of course Rusty’s new James Crawford book. Progress is being made every single day with our graphic publishers down in Southern California. And Lord willing we will have the book to the printers by the end of this month. Pre-book ordering is already underway and that is proving to be a big success already this early in the game. I cannot tell you how excited we are to finally get this book out to the masses. Let’s get this thing printed!

A big thank you goes out to all of you who visit and shop on our website. I have been running to the post office almost everyday shipping out orders that come in through our online store. One of my favorite parts of the day is when I check the email that comes in from our website (the “contact us” link) and get to visit with some of our best customers both here in Reno and abroad. Thanks again for the support!

The Spring 2007 Curry’s Chronicle has been printed and shipped to our C4OA members. This is the first journal of the New Year... and what a journal it is! We are featuring over nine in-depth articles concerning the famous Carson City Mint and the coins that came from there. Also club member Tom DeFina has yet again submitted another fabulous word puzzle for all to enjoy. I think it is safe to say that there is a little something for everyone in this issue. If you have yet to join this exciting club don’t waste another day! Club membership dues are only twenty dollars a year. For more information concerning membership and how to join, please click on the Carson City Coin Collectors of America link at the bottom of this page.

The store has also been super busy with walk-in customers recently. With the release of the new presidential dollars and new 2007 sets; customers have been anxiously running into our store to get their hands on these newly released treasures. Our door bell (and phone) ring off the hook from open to close it seems like. Thankfully for us, we have hired another member to our team and we have high hopes that she will help us all in keeping our heads on straight.

Ugh oh, gotta run, there’s that bell again!
